Articles Tagged with family

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Carolyn Woodruff
Dear Carolyn,

I think I am about to be sued for alienation of affection. While I am not really sure exactly what this is, I am sure that I am not really doing this. Yes, I do have a paramour who is married. However, it is very clear to her and to me that the relationship with her husband was over when we started our affair. How can I possibly be sued when she had no marriage to speak of? I also heard a rumor that maybe alienation of affection is against the United States Constitution. Is there any movement for alienation of affection to be declared unconstitutional? Any help you can give me would ease my pain and my nervousness.

Carolyn Answers:
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Venn Crawford

Japanese Udon is a thick wheat noodle, often served in a rich broth. This recipe is perfect for date nights, as it’s light, delicious, and makes a tasty surprise for someone who’s never had it before.

Don’t be daunted by the long list of ingredients – this recipe is incredibly simple to make. Continue reading

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Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Carolyn,

Hi, how are you? I have a question, my wife and I wanted to spend time with my stepson this summer but the father won’t let her get him. Can he stop her visitation?

Carolyn Answers….

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Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Carolyn,

I have a strange question for you Carolyn. In fact, it is almost unbelievable. My ex-wife and the mother of my precious child constantly fabricates that the child is ill. The child is constantly taken to the doctor with the Mother saying that the child had a fever “last night.” The doctor cannot find a fever. Once the Mother said the child had blood in her urine, and the child had to undergo all these tests and nothing was found. The Mother tried to have the tonsils taken out indicating medical problems that did not exist. The list could go on for the whole page, but I’ll spare further details. The Mother is a nurse, and I don’t understand why she is getting all the medical items regarding my child wrong all the time. I was in a divorce therapy class and someone piped up when I mentioned this: “does she have Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?” This Mother thrives on the attention she (the Mother) gets when our child is sick.

Signed: Crazy, isn’t it?

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Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Readers,

Today’s Ask Carolyn addresses aging pet owners who must give up a pet. Just a reminder—as the summer heats up DO NOT leave pets or children in automobiles; remember the heat is magnified by the glass and is dangerous.

Dear Carolyn,

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Carolyn Woodruff
Dear Readers,

Today’s first Ask Carolyn addresses dreading Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who have a great situation, but realize there are those around you for which Mother’s Day may be most stressful. The second question addresses getting on with your life after a relationship break-up.
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Kam Hardy

This Mother’s Day give your Mom a gift that lets her know just how loved she is!

A string of pearls is nice. A boutique of flowers is beautiful. Give you mother a gift from the heart, something homemade, something no one else can give her! Give your mom a gift you made with your hands; she will treasure this forever!

Not creative? Need some ideas on what homemade gift would be perfect for your mom? Look no further, here are a few of the best homemade mother’s gifts to surely make your mom, wife or grandmother feel special on their day.

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Kam Hardy

I think it goes without saying that mothers have the most rewarding job there is. Ask almost any mother, and they will tell you, motherhood is exhausting, challenging, and messy and, the most beautiful journey of life.

There are so many different kinds of moms out there, the working mom, the stay-at-home mom, the single mom, the yoga mom, the blogging mom, and the mom that will do anything to provide for her children.

Mothers are all different and all the same. Mothers have the most dedicated work ethic. Mother’s dedicate their life to create, teach, love and support all of your dreams and all your journeys. They may never show you they struggle or are in pain. A mother’s compassion for the well-being of their children is astounding.

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Carolyn Woodruff

The most common questions I get asked as a North Carolina family law specialist are the following: What is child support? How do they determine the amount? What is the process of obtaining child support? Should I or should I not petition to receive child support?

Generally, the noncustodial parent will be court ordered to provide child support to the custodial parent. The child support is usually determined by the income of the two parents. Then the court applies the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines and comes to the obligated amount. The judge or your attorney will give a breakdown of how the court came to the amount conclusion on Worksheet A or Worksheet B or Worksheet C.

The amount of provided child support continues until the child is 18 years old or finishes high school, whichever one happens last.

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