Articles Tagged with family

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Carolyn Woodruff

Divorce Recovery–this is a topic that is so dear to my heart, and one I have personally experienced. I am empathic to the unsettled souls that walk into my office. My advice–You will be okay after divorce, even if you feel like you won’t be. You could be happier than ever; I am.

 One important thing to understand is that divorce, like any loss, is a grieving process. You will go through all the stages–denial, anger, maybe depression, complacency and then back to normalcy. Unfortunately, you and your ex-spouse are usually at different stages; this often makes the process that much harder.

During this recovery process would be an excellent time to seek mental health counseling. Counseling can help ensure you don’t get stuck in any one stage too long. Talking with a counselor can help with things such as finding a new hobby or getting you out of the house. Hobbies are fun and are a great way to keep your mind off your current pain.  Plus you now have the time!

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Carolyn Woodruff

In the best interest of the child–these are the magic words in North Carolina and part of our Mission Statement at Woodruff Family Law Group.

It is always best if the parents can agree in either negotiation or mediation; however, that is not always the case. My suggestion is that the parents get on a schedule!

Getting on a schedule is especially important when your child or children are young. If two parents can simply not agree on a schedule and exchanges are becoming unbearable, I would suggest professional and legal help.

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